Hi, I am Faisal Khan. A Telco cloud enthusiast, who is passionate to write about anything Telco cloud: Technology, current issues, perspectives!
My quest through this blog would be to write something about some of those issues and topics that confront the readers; to share something from my “experience” that can help someone out there, seeking answers.
For my day job I work in Planning & Architecture for a Mobile Telco in the field of SDN, NFV and Transport.
Why you should read this blog ?
- This comes from my first hand experience with the technology in Telco environment.
- Not only do I speak from experience but I also have qualifications and certifications to support: from ONF, Openstack and MEF. Have a look here https://www.linkedin.com/in/faisalk1
- This is neither marketing fluff, nor a mouthpiece of a certain vendor !
So go ahead and join my journey by subscribing to my mail list by downloading the NFV mindmap at the home page and I will see you write there !
I have been featured in

Dear Faisal, I appreciate your efforts , I have read some of your research documents and found extremely informative.
Dear Kashif,
Thanks for taking time to visit my blog.
Dear Faisal Khan,
you always play a role model for your colleagues like me. I am extremely lucky and thank to God that i have chance to learn from you directly. your way of explaining the technology trends is really amazing. God bless you my friend.
Dear Faisal,
Few days back, just crawl on your website, after reading carefully your blog on “DPDK vs SRIOV, it seems it’s written in very practical language and clean understanding .Please keep this up .
Thanks Ankit for visiting my blog
very nice
Thank you Faisal. Kind of you. Your content and description is down to earth and detailed. Very helpful. I even like the flow you have taken to explain NS and VNF FGs amongst other things. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot Praveen for your kind words
Dear Faisal,
I was struggling to understand roles of each component in NFV . Earlier it looked ambiguous Now I am clear, thanks to your detailed description on NFV.
Sayaf Khan
Thanks Sayaf khan,
Glad that you liked it
HI Faisal – Really appreciate sharing the information about DPDK vs SR-IOV. There is another technology for NFV performance enhancement based on Vector packet processing(VPP) by Cisco – https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP/What_is_VPP%3F and https://my-vpp-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview/whatisvpp/what-is-vector-packet-processing.html.
We can write an article together.
interesting, lets take it offline Prakash !
Thank you very much for your posts! Specially with “NFV Management & Orchestration (MANO)”
It gave me a good intro to such an interesting topic.
Best Regards
Thanks Jorge, glad that you liked it
Please write a blog on Rakuten’s Network Architecture
Salam brother Faisal,
Great efforts bring great results !
Congratulations for this impressive content and amazing way to simplify very complex concepts.
Really nice job !
Dear Nassim, Nice to see your message and hope you are doing very well. thanks for visiting and liking it
Hello Faisal, your post on dpdk/sr-iov/openvswitch is by far the best explanation I found very cleary explained. Its high time you have a course on udemy..cheers best of luck
That is good to know imran khan. Thanks for the advice
faisal khan thankyou for such informaitve blogs, this helps me alot . kindly drop youremail adress , i want more details on NFV including use cases and its relation to SDN-mind map
Hello Kanwal , it is faisal AT telcocloubridge.com
Very well explained. Thanks for sharing the knowledge
Thanks Mohamed Zakir
Very well written. I hope it would be ok for me to rework some of this content to make it more directly relevant for my team and post it internally (giving full credits to the source).
Hi Faisal – Thanks for your great reference material. I’m new to the telco cloud space. One question I am trying to answer for my own understanding “in trying to organize the overlay landscape, what is a practical way of thinking about the different segments of overlay network types?”
Hey Jerry, Sorry did not get your question. Please PM me at faisal AT telcocloudbridge.com
Dear Faisal,
I just read your 8 year old “Are you asking these Questions from potential MPLS-TP Vendors?” Its the most useful thing I have read in years regarding MPLS-TP. I work for a utility and I would love to have a little conversation regarding MPLS-TP vendors please.
Kindly write back, if possible with via mail.
Thank you for all the work, and also, thank you in advance
Ibrahim Ali